Environmentally friendly items are often associated with high costs. Organic foods are usually more expensive than regular foods. Eco-friendly products are typically costlier than their traditional counterparts. However, we believe you should not have to choose between what is good for the environment and what is good for your wallet.
Fortunately, in our line of work, environmentally safe materials are easily accessible. We work with prefabricated, galvanized structural steel boardwalks. These boardwalks are built beforehand and are easy to install on-site with minimal impact on the earth. These galvanized structural steel boardwalks have pan-feet which do no penetrate the earth, leaving minimal damage behind. The galvanized steel frames are built to last because they are not worn down by environmental conditions or weather. On the other hand, wood frames have a shorter life because they can be damaged by weather and the environment, and worn down over time. They can be very harmful to the surrounding nature when built on-site and driven into the ground.
When choosing which materials to use for your boardwalk, it is essential to consider the lifetime cost of ownership, not just the installed material cost. For trails, look at the cost per linear foot, per year of service. Our galvanized, structural steel boardwalks have a 100 year, lifetime warranty. Since the boardwalks last 100 years, consider the cost per foot divided by 100 years.
When building a boardwalk, you not only consider the cost of the materials, but also the cost of having the trail installed and maintained. The quicker the trail can be installed, the less it will cost. The more durable a trail is, the less maintenance it will require. Added maintenance leads to added costs, which is less than desirable.
The prefabricated, galvanized structural steel boardwalks have a longer life and require less maintenance which leads to lower costs. The 100 year, lifetime warranty guarantees quality. We believe in conservation. We believe in easy and safe installation. We believe in galvanized, structural steel boardwalks.